عطاء اعادة تاهيل ميدان ياسر عرفات في مركز المدينة رقم RamMun/RM/2021/025 | بلدية رام الله
عطاء اعادة تاهيل ميدان ياسر عرفات في مركز المدينة رقم RamMun/RM/2021/025

Rehabilitation of Yasser Arafat Square in the city center

Request for Bids -Works

(One-Envelope Bidding Process)

  1.  Ramallah Municipality has received funding from the Government of India to support quick impact project in Palestine. This fund was approved to be used for the Rehabilitation of Yasser Arafat Square in the city center under the Contract No. (RamMun/RM/2021/025). You are hereby invited to submit your offer for the above-mentioned Bid.
  2. The Bid consists of the rehabilitation of Yasser Arafat Square roads; The Square is located in a busy area in the city center. This project is to be executed according to the general specification of Roads, and the attached specifications and conditions. Further details concerning the subject of the bid are provided in the Bid documents.
  3. The Bid is open for Palestinian Contractors who are qualified and classified as Road by the National Committee for Contractors’ Classi­fi­cation. (Certificate of Classification to be presented upon the purchase of the Bid documents). The Bid is also open for Indian companies registered in Palestine or Indian contractor enter into a consortium, Joint Venture or other form of legally binding association with a Palestinian con­tractor. Bidders must meet the post qualifications requirements (criteria) stipulated section II: ITB-Eligible bidders, in order to ensure his financial and technical capability to execute project works.
  4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Ramallah municipality, procurement and purchasing Unit during office hours 8:00 A.M. till 3:00 P.M. starting from 23/03/2021 to 06/04/2021. The Bidding document can also be found on the Municipality website www.ramallah.ps.
  5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders upon payment of a nonrefundable fee 100US$. The Bidding Documents will be available at Citizen Service Center (CSC) - Ramallah Municipality.
  6. The prices quoted will be in US$ and exclusive of VAT
  7. Contractors are invited to attend the site visit, which will be held on 29/03/2021 at 10:00AM, the pre-bid meeting shall be held at Ramallah Municipality, meeting Hall.
  8. Bids must be delivered to the address shown below on or before 07/04/2021 at 12:00 PM. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives at this address on Wednesday 07/04/2021 at 12:00PM.

Address: Ramallah Municipality, Municipality hall- 1st floor.

  1. Bids shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the deadline for submission of bids and must be accompanied by a Bid Security of 2,000US$ valid for 148 days after bid closing date.
  2. The fees of the newspaper advertising is to be paid by the contractor who has been awarded the bid.

(Tender Document)

Mayor of Ramallah
 Eng. Musa Hadid  

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